Editing and Other Writings
Emily Wingfield, Scotland’s Royal Women and European Literary Culture, 1424–1587, Texts & Transitions 14 (Turnhout: Brepols 2024).
Series Editor, Texts and Transitions, Brepols Publishing (12 vols):
Jane H. M. Taylor, The Making of Poetry: Late-Medieval French Poetic Anthologies, Texts and Transitions: Studies in the History of Manuscripts and Printed Books 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).
Alexandra Barratt, Anne Bulkeley and her Book: Fashioning Female Piety in Early Tudor England, Texts and Transitions 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009).
Mary-Jo Arn. The Poet's Notebook: The Personal Manuscript of Charles d'Orléans (Paris BnF MS fr. 25458), Texts and Transitions 3 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2008).
Rebecca L. Schoff, Reformations: Three Medieval Authors in Manuscripts and Movable Type, Texts and Transitions 4 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).
Vincent Gillespie and Anne Hudson, eds., Probable Truth: Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the Twenty-First Century, Texts and Transitions 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).
Wendy Scase, ed., The Making of the Vernon Manuscript: The Production and Contexts of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a. 1, Texts and Transitions 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).
Kathleen Tonry, Agency and Intention in English Print, 1476 to 1526, Texts and Transitions 7 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
Deborah Moore, Medieval Anglo-Irish Troubles: A Cultural Study of B.L. MS Harley 913, Texts and Transitions 8 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017).
Alpo Honkapohja, Alchemy, Medicine, and Commercial Book Production, Texts and Transitions 9 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017).
Simon Horobin and Aditi Nafde, eds., Manuscripts and their Texts: Essays in Honour of Ralph Hanna, Texts and Transitions 10 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017)
Sue Powell, The Birgittines of Syon Abbey: Preaching and Print, Texts & Transitions 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).
Margaret Connolly and Raluca Radelescu, eds., Middle English Texts: Editing and Interpretation: Essays in Honour of William Marx, Texts & Transitions 12 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018)
Anneliese Pollock Renck, Female Authorship, Patronage, and Translation in Late Medieval France from Christine de Pizan to Louise Labé, Texts & Transitions 13 (September 2018)
Editor, Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, vol. 1, no. 1, fall 1997; vol. 2, fall 1999; vol. 3, summer 2000; vol. 4, summer 2001; vol. 5, summer 2002; vol. 6, summer 2003; vol. 7, summer 2004; vol. 8, summer 2005; vol. 9, summer 2006; vol. 10, summer 2007; vol. 11, summer 2008; vol. 12, fall 2009; vol. 13, summer 2010; vol. 14, summer 2011; vol. 15, fall 2012; vol. 16, fall 2013; vol. 17, spring 2015 for fall 2014; vol. 18, winter 2015; vol. 19, winter 2016; vol. 20, winter 2017; vol. 21, winter 2018; vol. 22, winter 2019; vol 23, winter 2020; vol. 24, winter 2022 (for 2021); vol. 25, winter 2023; vol. 26, winter 2024; vol. 27 (forthcoming).
Guest Editor, Film & History: The Middle Ages, vol 29, nos 1-4, Oklahoma State University (1999).
Guest Editor, with Deb McGrady, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Oxford University Press (1999).
"The Medieval Woman," calendar text for 1992, published by Workman Publishing, New York (July 1991); calendar text for 1993 (July 1992); calendar text for 1994 (July 1993); calendar text for 1995 (August 1994).
Interview, "Star Wars 101: College Instructors Bring Star Wars into the Classroom," Star Wars Insider, issue 29, Summer, 1996.
"Martin Luther and the Popular Imagination," pamphlet for New York Public Library exhibition, December 1983.